Brussels, October 27, 2018
Inventures Investment Partners announces the entry of the Société Federal de Participations et d'Investissement (SFPI) into the capital of societal impact fund Inventures II. The SFPI becomes the 1st shareholder of the fund with a 15% stake and a maximum of 8 million euros. It will have a seat in its board of directors and in the advisory board in charge of the evaluation of the societal impact.
Created in the wake of the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Belgian Inventures II fund invests in young companies that demonstrate both excellent economic potential and measurable positive societal impact. The first investments were made successfully in Belgian companies active in inclusive economy, renewable energy or health.
" This decision embodies the philosophy of the SFPI to optimally combine financial return and societal added value," explains Koen Van Loo, CEO of SFPI. "Being responsible for supporting the Belgian economy through our investments, we are particularly attentive to criteria such as the creation of sustainable jobs or the environmental commitment of our investments, in addition to their economic profitability. We are pleased to see private funds like Inventures II launch into "Impact Investing" which is characterized by the desire to create measurable positive externalities in addition to profitability. "
" We are delighted to welcome the SFPI as a new shareholder," says Olivier de Duve, founder and CEO of Inventures Investment Partners, Inventures II's management company. "Thanks to its support, the fund now has €33 million for sustainable development start-ups, ahead of the target of €50 million by the end of next year. But the contribution of the SFPI is much more than financial. We will now be able to benefit from their extraordinary experience in private equity in projects with societal added value as well as their strategic expertise in our governance bodies.” Alex Houtart, in charge of fundraising and Impact Manager emphasizes that "the decision of the SFPI also validates the robustness of our impact approach and confirms the growing importance of the ESG criteria (Environment, Social and Governance) in the decisions of professional investors. "
The Société Fédérale de Participations et d'Investissement (Federal Investment and Investment Company) was incorporated on November 1, 2006, via the merger of the Federal Shareholding Company and the Federal Investment Corporation. The federal authorities are the sole shareholder of the Federal Investment and Investment Company. The Société Fédérale de Participations et d'Investissement (SFPI) conducts centralized management of federal shareholdings, cooperates with the authorities in specific projects and conducts its own investment policy in the interest of the Belgian economy.
Inventures II is a Belgian Venture Capital fund with a societal impact of a target size of €50 million. The fund invests and supports the development of young companies that combine excellent commercial growth potential with a measurable societal impact. To be eligible, portfolio companies must measure their positive impact on at least 1 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. At the forefront of a new generation of investment, Inventures II has attracted many personalities of finance and sustainable development in its governance.
Please see press release from l'Echo - October 27, 2018