Inventures is investing in Fluigent, a french company leader in controlling accurately pressure and flow in multiple channel chips. Founded in 2006, Fluigent was the first company to introduce pressure pumps to the microfluidic research market, as opposed to conventional syringe pumps. Today, Fluigent is the only company to introduce a full pressure and flow-rate control solution designed for coupled multi-channel configurations.
Fluigent’s broad range of solutions for use in microfluidic technologies and nanofluidics applications offer greater control, automation, precision, and ease of use. Their innovative tools are compatible with all microfluidic chip devices and a wide variety of applications (pharmacology, biology, diagnostics, healthcare, cosmetics, etc.).
With a global presence that includes offices and distributors in Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East, Fluigent develops, manufactures, and commercializes all of its catalogue solutions. They have delivered a new patented pressure-flow controller systems, the Flow EZTM to hundreds of customers worldwide, aiding them in replacing standard microfluidic syringe pumps with streamlined and user-friendly solutions. Fluigent also develops OEM products that are particularly innovative for flow control and fluid handling in microfluidic and nanofluidics applications.
Fluigent’s aim is to expand its geographic footprint and address new markets including the medical field and diagnosis. With Inventures as partner, the company is looking to strengthen its sales team and structure its impact based on the SDGs. "We are seeking to join one of the seventeen sustainable development goals set by the United Nations," says France Hamber, CEO of Fluigent. It could be the theme of "Health and well-being" or " Enhance scientific research and upgrade the technological capabilities ".
Please find the press release here.