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The impact Investor journey 01

The next few years are probably the most important in our History

by Alex Houtart, Impact Manager

The IPCC (GIEC) is the leading world body for assessing the science related to climate change, its impacts and potential future risks, and possible response options. In its recent report (September 2018), Debra Roberts, Co-Chair, declares: “The next few years are probably the most important in our history. Limiting warming to 1.5ºC is still possible within the laws of chemistry and physics but doing so would require unprecedented changes”. The reports underlines that we are already seeing the consequences of nearly 1°C of global warming through more extreme weather, rising sea levels, damages on the biodiversity, food scarcity, massive migration or diminishing Arctic sea ice. Global emissions would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050. Time for incremental changes is over. We need disruption in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. In the next decade, the cost of doing nothing will exceed from far the cost of investing for impact today. “The good news is that some of the kinds of actions that would be needed to limit global warming to 1.5ºC are already underway around the world, but they would need to accelerate”.

Well, this is where Inventures II acts. And 2018 is a cornerstone in our impact journey.

Even though the Society needs some USD 3 trillion each year to finance the entire SDG set, including Climate, we need to start somewhere and reaching a €33 million to invest in disruptive models is a significant 1st step. The fund’s current investment mix already contributes to actively address worldwide challenges such as decreasing greenhouse gas emissions (micro-hydro power generation with Turbulent), improving the economics of low-income workers (ShiftMeApp) or bringing affordable pharmaceuticals in developing countries and other health benefits (Univercells, Fluigent, 3-D Side). Reaching the €33 million was also the threshold to set up the Advisory Board which oversees impact questions, as well as launching our Impact Report to demonstrate progress. Next milestones are even more challenging: reaching 75% of positive impact indicators and a possible €50 million size for sustainable disruption.

And sustainability disrupters need pioneering supporters. So, thank you for pioneering the impact journey with our start-ups!


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